CellCore is an engineering company in Berlin specialized in a new way of designing components and products. Biomimetic engineering adopts the highly efficient structural principals of nature, optimized through billion years of evolution, and transposes them into technology. As a development partner, we create innovative solutions for your applications where conventional approaches reach their limits.
Our core expertise lies in the calculation and design of cellular structures, which we can combine with topology optimized or given shapes and which we can optimize and adjust for the specific requirements of your application. In doing so, we make use of exclusive research results from our founding team.
We help you to improve your products with our wide range of special services. In working together with us, you will benefit from our extensive experiencea as well as our unique methods and software, which we develop in house and use in combination with professional CAE tools (computer assisted engineering). The key focus of our work is always the successful implementation of the project – and your satisfaction.
Our Excellence
The excellence of CellCore technology has been confirmed by external experts – for example, as the winner of the main prize in the Germany-wide Digital Innovations Start-up Competition of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy in 2017 and of the “Winner Concept” prize in the BASF competition “Best Use of Fiber Reinforced Plastics” in 2017. An up-to-date project review for the “Bionic Chair Carrier” was recently published in the technology journal “VDI Nachrichten”.

CellCore is an engineering company in Berlin specialized in a new way of designing components and products. Biomimetic engineering adopts the highly efficient structural principals of nature, optimized through billion years of evolution, and transposes them into technology. As a development partner, we create innovative solutions for your applications where conventional approaches reach their limits.
Our core expertise lies in the calculation and design of cellular structures, which we can combine with topology optimized or given shapes and which we can optimize and adjust for the specific requirements of your application. In doing so, we make use of exclusive research results from our founding team.
We help you to improve your products with our wide range of special services. In working together with us, you will benefit from our extensive experiencea as well as our unique methods and software, which we develop in house and use in combination with professional CAE tools (computer assisted engineering). The key focus of our work is always the successful implementation of the project – and your satisfaction.
Our Excellence
The excellence of CellCore technology has been confirmed by external experts – for example, as the winner of the main prize in the Germany-wide Digital Innovations Start-up Competition of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy in 2017 and of the “Winner Concept” prize in the BASF competition “Best Use of Fiber Reinforced Plastics” in 2017. An up-to-date project review for the “Bionic Chair Carrier” was recently published in the technology journal “VDI Nachrichten”.

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